Forum Discussion

johnlysk's avatar
Jun 25, 2013

Flat towing a Mini Cooper

We are going to flat-tow a 2013 or 14 Mini Cooper manual transmission convertible behind a 37 foot Georgetown class A this coming winter. We will have a tow-bar for the car but are looking for an easy-to-use, convenient and reliable break system. Any suggestions? Thanks
  • Why do you want to break a brand new car? I know, I know...stupid question.

    There are a bunch of brake systems on the market today...most are good and some are adequate for the most part. Brake Buddy and those like it are fairly easy to install/remove and can be used in most any toad. Those that are permanent install like U.S Gear, Air Force One, etc are very, very good units, but difficult to install/remove if you want to change toads. However, those are invisible and require no further attention once installed. Probably the best of both worlds is one like Ready Brake that is part of the tow bar unit. A simple cable to the toad's brake pedal is all that is needed.

    Hope this helps

  • I use the brake buddy vantage select system. So far so good but I m sure there is better ones out there. Only mu opinion...:W