Forum Discussion

jolooote's avatar
Aug 23, 2013

FloridaCameraTurnPike tolls w/TOAD ?

The Florida TurnPike has installed, in some places, automatic cameras that take a PIC of license plate & than send U a bill in the mail. When a Class'A' is pulling a TOAD will it take a PIC of each vehicle and Ill get 2 bills? :E
  • Got two bills from FL last winter. One with front pic of coach and bill for it and the other was rear pic of toad and bill for it. Different locations so we got free pass one both times. They have technical problems to solve.
  • Colorado has them. I did get the bill, and it included my toad. The worst part about Colorado is the fee is not posted. You have no idea how bad it is until about a month later when you get the bill.
  • We did this last winter. You will know it is there because there aren't any lanes to pay anything. Just a camera in a rack above you. We went thru several of them and never got a bill...yet.
  • I would think you should be contacting the tollway people for your answer.
  • The Toll-by-Plate is in effect on the Homestead extension of the Florida turnpike from Florida City to Miramar in Miami-Dade County.
  • jolooote wrote:
    The Florida TurnPike has installed, in some places, automatic cameras that take a PIC of license plate & than send U a bill in the mail. When a Class'A' is pulling a TOAD will it take a PIC of each vehicle and Ill get 2 bills? :E

    I travel turnpike every year , how do you know cams are in place? I always had to go thru cash this new?
  • They would have to take two pictures to see both of my plates. Front for the RV and back for the toad. Otherwise each blocks LOS of the other. We have gone thru similar cameras in Canada, with RV, and in NC, only car, near Raleigh/Durham and never got a bill.