getgoin wrote:
.so in conclusion a blowout can do thousands in damage on any vehicle.
Not true.
I had at least 5 high speed blow ups on my vehicles and the biggest damage was bend tailpipe on F250. That was famous Firestone tire.
When I had blown inner tire on 27' Pace Arrow, it was the Oregon trooper who pulled me over to inform me about it.
My conversion had at least 2 blow ups in its life. How do I know ? > 2 inner fenders had the metal shiner than the rest. Those were 180lb wheels
I just had situation on the road 5 days ago. Driving car at 80 mph suddenly had to do emergency braking when 2 semis in front of me did emergency maneuvers. Second later on left side of the left lane I drove via pile of rubber chunks and white objects.
2 seconds later, driving already much slower I notice a ClassA rolling to the stop on right shoulder with huge hole where his left front fender used to be.
He was the lucky guy. He did not loose control, semis did not rear end him and he was able to safely pull over.
I can only wonder if he worry at the time in case his microwave broke the hold.
Note to OP, don't assume that microwave is the only thing that can break loose on its own in your coach.
Unfortunately such build is industry standard and buyers don't know to demand better.
My latest high-end camper is stapled together, but I feel safe driving inside truck cabin that has DOT ratings.