The window panes must be removed from the frames. Just putting sealer on the edges will do nothing for long term. Separate the panes with either a sharpened putty knife or a multi-tool. Use a razor scrapper to remove as much sealer as you can. Use window cleaner and a scrapper to clean the inside of the panes, then window cleaner and lint free cloths to clean/dry the panes. The super spacer has a contact glue on both sides, covered with a blue plastic film. Remove the film and stick it to the inside of one pane 1/8 -1/4" from the edges. Use care placing the second pane on the super seal to make sure all edges are square and even with the bottom one. If you have a heated area to work in, you will have better luck applying the sealer to the edges between the panes. Let it set for at least 12 hours, 24 would be better. I placed weight on the top panes to insure a good seal and the right thickness. If their are metal end frames on the windows, they can be reattached using the sealer. After the first window, it will get easier, if you are using a multi-tool. A word of caution using the multi-tool, you can scratch the glass or even break it if you are reckless.
If you are going to keep the left over super seal, place it back in the original packaging and seal with duct tape to prevent moisture from depleting the desiccant.
Good luck