goufgators wrote:
My DW and I are on our 5th RV. We've had a Class C, two class A's, a 5th wheel and a travel trailer. We currently have an '05 Itasca class A. We got into the RV lifestyle, in part, because we have three dogs and were not about to leave them with a 'dog sitter' or board them while on extended road trips...just as we would not have left our 'two-legged' children with someone when traveling. In short, we consider our 'four-legged' furry kids an intregral part of our family. Thankfully, they seem to enjoy traveling as much as I and the DW. The purpose of this is to see if there are others who are primarily RV owners because of a desire to travel with their pets. I suspect there are many. Would also like (well maybe not like ;)) to hear from those who believe we are a bit nuts to feel this way about animals!
If you respond saying you also carry your pets on trips, would like please let us know what type 'furry kids' you have and if they are good traveling companions. Our 'kids' are a Cocker Spaniel, a white Schnauzer and a 6 pound Yorkie who is thoroughly convinced she is as big as a Doberman./ Larry
Obviously, there are a lot of RV'ers who travel with their pets and the DW and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all the great responses to my request. Please keep the thread going since I'm sure there are many more of us 'dog people' who would love to hear your stories and descriptions of your pets. Many thanks!! / Larry