When I started full timing I had 4 dogs. A border collie, a blue heeler, a shih tzu, and a chihuahua. I had these dogs when I lived on acreage, until my husband died. I sold everything and moved into my motor home. The dogs came with me. Since then the shih tzu and the chihuahua have gone to live in homes where they are beloved, spoiled, only-dogs. The border collie(15) and the blue heeler(16) crossed the Rainbow Bridge last month.
I honestly thought I would be relieved when the 2 old dogs were gone. In many ways I was, as taking care of geriatric dogs can be tough. I also thought I liked to be alone. Well, it turns out, not quite so much. I don't necessarily need to be with someone as much as I need to know there's something living & breathing in the space besides me! I was surprised by how terribly alone I felt, even though I generally like being alone.
So now Mizz Bizzy, a 35 pound rescued chow mix lives with me, and she's just about the perfect size. Big enough to be threatening if necessary, small enough to cuddle and sit in the passenger seat. Her "nose art" is slightly below my eye level, so if I miss a spot or she deposits a new one it's not too distracting.
I suppose I could have gotten a cat or a bird..... I still could, I guess. A canary or a pekin robin would be nice. lol! here comes trouble!