No thermostat could actually make it run hotter indicated or not. Coolant has to have time to be saturated with the heat no designed resistance and it can with a high flow high performance water pump overheat. I've sen high performance engines start to run hot as blow by becomes more. Also carbon in the heads increase the need for higher octane. As it is now, getting hot running on down the road and the shroud is in pace and intact a larger radiator might work. Water hoses may be misrouted as I have no idea of what a motor home compartment for a gas engine is configured. Flow though the radiator not around it is essential Perhaps a transmission cooler has been installed in front of the radiator or something is blocking it.
I haven't read all the posts but try higher octane fuel, if you are not already.
Or cheaper add a bottle of octane booster but not the ones not a molded hose but a piece of hose so severly bend it was crimped and no flow.