Forum Discussion

aeejbe's avatar
Explorer II
Mar 21, 2015

Ford E450 V-10 Engine HELP

Currently on the road, enroute to Washington DC.
Need anybody's recommendation for REPAIR SHOP in Oklahoma City, Memphis, or Nashville areas. Class C has developed a terrible idle & loss of power at hwy speeds.
  • probably a bad coil...loss of only 1 coil makes it feel like it will jumo out of the rig. You can find the bad one by unplugging the power connector at each coil one at a time....the good ones will produce a drop in RPM the bad one no change. Also ther is usually a crack in the potting on the top of the coil when it goes bad. I keep spars and a 6 mm socket in the glove box ro a just incase repair. I buy the coils on ebay for about 8 bucks each with a new boot.
  • Give Rush Truck Service a call. Ford trucks on the far west side of OKC right on Interstate 40. 405-782-3510 A Flying J is right next door. This area of town is kind of the center of service/repair for cross country trucks on Interstate 40 between Amarillo and Fort Smith.

    I have never used them but they are a pretty big outfit.

    You don't say where you are currently located. Lots of service facilities on 40 in Amarillo and great folks in the panhandle that usually go out of their way to help people in my experience. Even if they are Texans;)

    If you are west of Amarillo, you might pull into the Oasis RV Resort a few miles west of town and get some advice from them as to service. It is a pretty new, real nice place that has a lot of cross country business and I bet they could be helpful (806) 356-8408

    It would be helpful if you posted your current location. Good luck.
  • Sorry for your problems. Take it to any dealer that sells/repairs Ford trucks. Your engine has an individual ignition coil mounted on each of the 10 spark plugs. While the symptom you describe could be one of several things I would first go to one of those coils (relatively cheap and easy to replace). These engines run pretty smoothly on only 9 cylinders, at higher RPM's but misfires are most noticeable at idle.
  • Throw a can of concentrated fuel injector cleaner in the tank until you get to a garage. Check all your spark plug wires for tightness. Change the air cleaner.