rgatijnet1 wrote:
Black smoke is usually an indication that your engine was running rich. I run with a ScanGauge hooked up all of the time and one thing that I monitor is the air/fuel ratio. In normal operation it is running at 14.7. During hard acceleration or during a hill climb where the engine downshifts, the mixture is automatically enriched by your engine computer to provide more power and for cylinder cooling.
I think that since your engine is running fine now, that this was just normal operation and nothing to worry about. The white smoke could just be some moisture in your exhaust system which is pretty common during the Winter.
If you have access to a Scangauge, you may want to hook it up and see if your engine is running at 14.6-14.7 during normal cruise on flat land. If you can't do that, I wouldn't worry about it.
Cruise Control was set at 65, toad didnt make it this trip.. pretty decent grade. Cruise control down shifted and floored it, thats when the smoke appeared. Didnt do it on any other grades and after I got the call that it was smoking I floored it again and this time there was no smoke.
Engine only has 5k miles on it so the warranty is still fresh.
Was raining pretty good, not sure if that matters.