mlts22 wrote:
Onan generators can be quiet or they can be teeth-chatterers. I've sat near 7000 watt Onans going at full tilt and were quieter than my 3000 watt Yammy on econ mode... but the magic is in the mounting. Onans need shock mounted, the pipes conduits need to be mounted to minimize vibration, the exhaust needs to be mounted with vibration-dampening mounts, a resonator put on, and the compartment laid with acoustic dampening insulation. Done right, they are quiet. Done cheaply, and you won't need the Magic Fingers for the bed.
The two things I like about the Onan are the fact that I can run it while on the road (Texas needs both A/Cs on), and I can set it up with a controller so if the house batteries get below 12.2 volts, the genset fires up for some hours to feed the batteries some charge, which isn't just useful for storage, but to keep from waking up with the propane alert beeping, the fridge's "check" light on, and freezing because the furnace fan stopped working.
the smallest onans 2800/2500 have the loudest decible levels. if you look at manuals they are 70-72 the 4000's are 66