I don't have your specific model. I have the 3170. I had all of the windows in the coach tinted with 5% tint and legal tint on cab doors. I use the cushions in my overhead vents. I put one of those silver windshield covers in the cab, then put up the curtain. I have the night shades only and with the shades down and the above setup, the AC barely keeps up when it is scorching outside say 95 or more. I do like it cold though (70) so my idea of comfortable may not be the same as yours. Most of the time it does keep up. I am considering putting in a separate AC in the rear bedroom in the existing vent opening. I would use a separate 20 amp circuit to power it. I can get by without it. I have for five years now, but it is just one of those things I want to eventually do. I am not sure how it would hold up in a hot desert environment. Did I mention that I like it cold?