For every reason, spend, spend, spend. For every season, spend, spend, spend, A time to live, a time to die, etc, etc. Had to paraphrase that old song. Truth is its awful hard to go down in size or quality level. That's why I'm stuck with a 43' Trawler that is REALLY hard to sell in todays economy. Kept getting bigger and bigger boats over the years. Almost made the same mistake with RVs. If its gonna be your full time rig, spend big because you have to be in it every day. If you are gonna use it occasionally, then why throw away big bucks. Like the Stones said "you can't always get want you want, but if you try real hard, you just might find, you get what you need". Something like the FR3 just might be my next RV. But not if the quality is horrible. Odds are consumer feedback will force them to upgrade a bit. I can see a much smaller RV in my future, something the wife could drive easily. She is too intimidated to drive a 38'. She will drive the Trawler but she won't dock it. Just like a big RV, easy going down the road, not so easy in tight quarters.