John&Joey wrote:
There are ways to avoid some of it. One is using a 12V fan on the fins. Best for the short term RV'ers not so much for FT/PT'ers.
Why isn't a fan on the fins a good idea for fulltimers?
Licreek wrote:
Thanks everyone, sounds like we are suffering from fridge packed to full and door open to long. I'm going to get the fan on eBay and tell the family to think a little more about what they want before they open the door. Yea right lol.
You might want to re-think packing the fridge so full. The cold air comes from the fins and it can't get to the bottom if there isn't a clear path. It can be challenging to not block an entire shelf, but you should try to avoid it if possible.
With the clip-on fan, you can easily move it to wherever the fins are frosting up. And be sure to wire it so it turns on and off with the light, so it's not blowing air out of the box when the doors are open.