down home wrote:
On many rv pads, they are just enough out of level that our rear tires will come off the ground. So instead of auto which deflates the bags first. We will not dump but put the jacks down otherwise. I don't like the idea of rear ties off the ground. Air brakes are locked front and back though. We have had the rears off the ground a time or two but I have spent some time getting pas under the tires too.
Don't like spending a half hour doing that. Next time at the factory I intend to talk to them about this situation.
I think the point of the deflating air bags is to help prevent the jacks from having to travel so far. Remember, that you are lowering all four wheels before the jacks start to work. This should not change the tilt of the coach before the jacks start. It just means they don't have as far to travel to accomplish their job and you don't have 14" to the ground from the bottom step.