Chevy bashing is common here. If you really want a Chevy Class C most companys will build you one and most list them as an extra. They cost 2 to 4 thousand more than the Fords in general. However if building rigs to sell in dealerships its wise to use the less expensive one and let people order the higher end ones if they do not want the common one which is just good business.
Chevy vans are the norm around here as far as business. Many have well over 300,000 or more miles on them before replacing them.
How much power our 7.4 Vortex engine has. I have no clue.. I have never had it over about half throttle. I just run with the trucks at what ever speed they are going. However we live in the high country and up 6 to 8 mile 6-8 percent grades as the norm with some as high as 11 percent. We also live in the Shasta Valley of California. Winds from 30 to 60 mph are common for us in the Mt. Shasta, Weed and Yreka. Also many of our roads have no sholders. Where the pavment ends the road will often have drops up to 15 or 20 feet. There is no room for a rig that does not stay where you want it. When driving in cross winds like that our Chevy does fine. My wife and I switch off driving all the time.
I think Fords are just fine if you rebuild the front end and rear springs ect so you can handle them in the winds ect. I have driven both. We felt this time it was time for an upgrade to Chevy.. Next one will be a Freightliner.