Forum Discussion

wtmtnhiker's avatar
May 20, 2023

Fuel pump

Hi all,
Do any of you know how much a fuel pump would cost parts and labor for a 2011 Winnebago Sightseer V-10? Anyone had one done?. I'm looking at buying a motorhome that needs one and just looking to find out about what it would cost
Saturday afternoon, most repair shops closed.

  • Like the others I'm thinking about $1,000. Out here in California they charge an arm and a leg to do that job but you may get by a little cheaper in your area.

    Let us know what the final bill is if you buy the coach, inquiring minds would like to know.
  • And if you have a rubber fuel line for the generator, replace that also. Small cost but easier to do when the tank is down.
  • ^^^^

    I would estimate between $600 to $1,000 US dlls. (possibly more) depending on how much of a hurry you are in and if your fuel tank is currently full. (of debris in addition to gasoline) Right now, there are lot of aftermarket (non-OEM quality) fuel pump/sending units out there in the $50 range. Be careful with those. I would insist on OEM quality because of the general inconvenience of re-replacing the pump/sender assembly if you get a poor quality unit and it fails prematurely.

    Chum lee

    P.S.: The fuel pump/sending unit you want is manufactured by Motorcraft #BU9Z-9H307A and costs over $300 on a good day. Figure about 4 hours labor (minimum) at your local going rate. ($125-$200/hr)
  • Around $200 maybe more just for the pump,
    Labor to drop the gas tank replace pump then bolt tank inplace approximately $400
    And I'm probably low ball
    It's likely closer to $1000