Ivylog and larry cad bring up points that are not unfamiliar to me but I suppose I was hoping for more plug and play this time.
We have actually done quite a few modifications to our Big Horn, and we also once bought a BP FEMA and tore it down to the studs and redid the interior on it. Sooo, modifying is nothing new and we could handle it.
Along this train of thought I started a search for Class A's on Rvtrader.com 1995-2012, Diesel, over 38' long, and Private Party.
I've got alot of candidates now in my mind!
What I value is a nice booth, lots of kitchen countertop space, and opposing couches so that we could take one out and put a bunkbed arrangement in its place.
I've found multiple Tiffins, a Winnebago, a Newmar, an American Coach, and an Entegra that would fit nicely.
Going this route it seems relatively easy to find opposing couches, nice booths, good kitchens with dishwashers, good bedrooms, and I've even found atleast one 1 1/2 bath.
Another benefit is no DEF diesels with these older ones.