Looks like you're getting lots of good feedback. As I said, when we started looking, the folks on this forum were very helpful. It's nice to see that hasn't changed.
That floorplan you posted is an example of a bathroom layout I would recommend against with much more than 2 people in the rig. When someone is in the shower, isn't the front of the rig separated from the back? If the fam is getting ready to go out to dinner or some such after a day out, those closed doors form a bottle neck and other people can't freely pass from front to back to get dressed or whatever. My recommendation is for a bathroom in which the sink, shower & john are all on one side. A definite PLUS IF the john is located so when you're sitting on it, you face the rear of the rig. Why? So IF someone was on it while travelling down the road and hard braking was required, you're pushed back against the wall. I guess you could install seatbelts on the john! LOL That was one of those things we didn't think about when we were purchasing, but it was a nice bonus. We told the kids that everyone sits to pee when rolling down the road. Ok...enough potty talk! LOL
Ah man, as much as I like our rig and a "new" one isn't in our immediate future,
I made the mistake of doing a bit of searching on and doing a bit of day-dreaming. Hmmmm...if only I could retire THIS year! LOL