Well, we decided in November to "try our hand at full timing", put house up for sale-thinking it would take 6 months or better-well..shucks, it sold within a week. NOW WHAT??, we thought. So we sold, gave to kids, gave to charity, gave away all of our STUFF and took the plunge. This was in December (closing on house was the 15th), and we are just LOVING this life style. We have kids/grandkids all over the place, and since none really ever came to see us...we figured-well. we GOTTA go see them...and we are doing just that.
Sure it is an adjustment, but one we are becoming accustomed to. We are in Texas now, and have been for about a month or so and doing a lot of 'day trips' looking and seeing and doing. Such a relief to be able to go somewhere and not be in a hurry to get back/go anywhere else. We are enjoying and are not looking back. After all STUFF is nothing but STUFF....life and living it is really all we have! (In my opinion)