2 Gypsies. We had hoped to take a six week trip after we sold our business last year before we sold the house...we took two 3-4 week trips up to the coach lot we own in the mountains instead. The house took some time to sell, we closed on it this last Thursday. I had to hire lawyers to get rid of the first set of buyers back in March (that is a not so nice story) after we moved out in December..tough getting rid of all our stuff during Christmas week, but we did it.
Do we have an exit plan? Not a firm one. It feels a bit soon....only been stationary house-less officially for a just a few days..but you know what? It feels good. I think that when it isn't safe any longer to drive due to age or health of the coach or the driver, then like you, we move into a small house in an RV community lke TGO or somewhere. Diane says she doesn't want a place anywhere near the size of the home we sold.
Diane has been saying for a long time..."Less House=More Life" Now we are free to find out just how true that is.