Forum Discussion

ILVMYGT's avatar
Nov 27, 2015

Furnace Ignition Question

I am helping a friend troubleshoot a Suburban LP furnace. When the furnace starts it take several ignitions cycles before it stays running. The furnace "lights" for a fraction of a second (a puff of warn air) then goes out, then "lights" again. It takes several of these cycles before it stays running. You can hear the gas solenoid click turning on the gas. As best we can determine once the gas is on it stays on. The Sail switch is also working since the gas and ignition is turning on. Is it normal for it to take several ignitions cycles for it to stay lit?
  • No, it should light on the first of the 3 attempts. From your description, the Spark electrode is probably NOT at the correct gap. Doug
  • What is the model of your Suburban furnace/
    It could be dirty contacts on the circuit board connector.
    Furnace may need cleaned and the electrodes adjusted.
  • ILVMYGT wrote:
    ...snip... Is it normal for it to take several ignitions cycles for it to stay lit?

    I would say no. My best guess is the computer is not sensing a flame and it takes a few attempts before things heat up enough where it does. If it was me, the first thing I would do is clean the high energy wire to the sparker on both ends.

    On Edit:

    While I had that wire off I would also take out my meter and check to make sure it has good continuity. Flex it a little while watching the meter. Very possible it might handle the high spark load, but loose a little too much in the flame sensing ability.