A coworker with an Avion TT and a Dually Dodge diesel wanted some way of securing his two Honda 2000EU generators while in the campground (he keeps them locked in the back of the truck when not in a campground. He ended up with a piece of not too heavy diamond tread that both gennys mounted to, and had the thin 7/8 or so thick unistrut run along the edges. He left enough diamond tread sticking out to go under one of the tires on his trailer, and when he parked in the campground, he took the gennys out and shoved the open part of the plate behind a trailer wheel and then backed the trailer onto it. The uni-strut kept the plate from flexing up so someone could unscrew the gennys, and acted as a indicator of when he had rolled over one of them. One would have had to jack the trailer or move it forward or aft to get the gennys, so secure from the average opportunist thief.