Brian, I'm not even going to read any of the replies, I've got DGS and his lovely BFF coming in a few minutes and I'm cooking.
We traveled for 13,000 miles to 27 states and 7 Canadian Provences in a gasser with a towed. 98 percent of the time we used Costco and never once had a problem with ingress, some egresses are tight but the ingress was always simple.
It might just be worth you paying the $60 membership fee if you do not have one already. We received a present of a Sam's Club Card and used it twice in thirteen Weeks.
We even bought all our gas in Canada at Costcos.
I hate Flying J and other uptight places like that and never once had a problem with the attendants or the customers at Costco. It was kinda like having a roaring fire in a campground on a misty evening in Seward. Attracts other folks like flies wondering what it's like living in a RV.
Other benefit, gas is on an average $0.05 per gallon cheaper that surrounding stations.
Good luck amd enjoy the smaller rig.
I forgot, call and write your CC companies and tell them you will be buying huge amounts of gas where ever you are planning on going. Tell them only to text you that you can't drive and talk at the same time and you will be out of cell range on and off.