Forum Discussion

Licreek's avatar
Feb 07, 2018

Gas water heater noisemakers

My gas water heater started making a noise. When it fires up is starts out making the blow torch noise but then intermittently it will change to a higher pitch whistle. Some time it will go silent for a second or two then back to blow torch sound. What's going on? Thank you, Lee
  • Start by using compressed air to blow out the burner tube.

    If that doesn't cure it, next step is to verify that the other propane appliances (furnace) is working as it should. If not, your propane regulator may be bad-- under $25.

    And, lastly, many water heaters have a slide to allow for adjustment of amount of air.
  • Start with the basics - take the cover off and look at the tube/flame, Remove any obstructions and adjust the movable hood to adjust the flame/color as necessary. Plenty of Utubes on the subject.