Thanks for the quick replies.
However, "I currently have access" means it's already apart for another reason; and "I'm not talking about running a cleaner through the system at home, I'm looking to remove the injectors for professional cleaning using chemicals and ultrasound, then tested." means I don't want to do a home remedy.
"If not, why fix something that ain't broke?"
Trust me, I'm not looking to spend money for no reason, and yes, it is broke. I've already seen the inside of the cap and rotor and know their replacement history.
I did an internet search and found one company, but they are in Ohio. Last time I sent parts to an Ohio business, things did not go well. A three day turn around ended up over three months with a lift tied up holding a motorcycle without wheels and $2000 would be the replacement cost. I got the Ohio Attorney General's office involved, which turned out pretty useless since Ohio consumer protection laws a weak at best. I ended up paying an Ohio attorney $400 to set things right and even then it was a struggle. It took me three separate shipments to get all my parts back.