Musicman wrote:
I have had great results with Sea Foam.
Man, SeaFoam is a GREAT marketing company.
It is a good fuel stabilizer but if you look at the ingredients, nothing in there is really a good solvent.
If you presently have a problem that is traceable to the injectors or carb in an older engine, Berryman's B12 Chemtool is a MUCH better cleaner. Gumout is a close second.
If you are NOT presently having a noticeable problem, there is wide agreement that Techron is the best additive for routine maintenance.
I agree that it probably is a waste of money and time to manually clean them if there are no symptoms.
If it ain't broke, don't "fix" it.
{edit} Just another "provocation" in your eyes, I guess.
Sometimes the best advice is not really what you thought you wanted to hear. It is only a "provocation" when YOU make it one.
Nasty replies to offered advice will GREATLY reduce the well meaning advice you get in the future.
And finally, have you done the obvious and contacted a truck dealer for your brand to see what they would charge. Most of the larger dealers do this in-house these days.