gsf35099 wrote:
Almost forgot, my manual actually says to start the gene up once a week. Everything I've learned is these things like to run and have issues when left sitting no running.
Yes... these things are like garden implements If they sit too long without use they get gummed up inside the fuel system and run poorly or not at all.
I would rather buy a rig with a generator that had 700 hours at 25000 miles and is over five years old than one that had a hundred hours in the same time-frame.
Mine is ten years old this month and has 1100 hours on it. Runs quite well and powers everything like the day we bought it new.
I did have to remove it and replace the starter motor this past summer, but aside from oil and air filter changes I have had to do nothing to it. Oh... I also had to replace a section of the wiring that runs from the remote switch to the controller but that had nothing to do with the genny.
The reason I had to replace the starter motor was that the bearings inside went bad and caused too much friction and made a lot of noise. The bendix also wore out. The gears were worn and the spring no longer returned it after the engine started.
While I had it out of the rig I also installed an in-line fuel filter as the OEM filter is in a difficult to reach location.