Just be aware here on the East side of the US the Generator restrictions at public camp grounds are more prevalent than out West...
Just about every we go to has generator hours like two hours in the morning and maybe three hours in the late afternoon. The Natl Forest has those hours too with some now coming around from 8AM to 8PM. I never find any public place where you can run a generator after 8PM...
Private places are different of course...
Out West there are alot of DISPERSED camping place that are way out off to them selves maybe on BLM owned property where you can do just about whatever you want... There isn't much of that type of land here on the East side...
With all of this in mind we spent more of our efforts on making my OFF-ROAD camping off the battery banks and making everything inside the camper as green as possible to use less energy. This of course doesn't not include Air Conditioners or high wattage microwave units etc...
Our game plan is to run all we want to run with what we got and have the batteries stay up until we can run our generator again for a few hours to recharge them back up so we can do this all over again the next day/night run off our batteries... That is usually 8AM in the mornings during breakfast.
Sometimes the big motorhomes and big CLASS C's can get away with it as the generator is built-in but that is not always the case haha...
Different things for different folks I reckon...
Roy Ken