dennyvh wrote:
I am the original poster and Nexus has been wonderful in working this with me. They have been nothing but responsive to all my issues. I have NO problem with their customer service. I have been working with Barb Loucks on this and they are trying to figure it out. I was just hoping someone on this list had experienced a similar problem and could point us in the right direction. This has been a frustrating issue for Nexus and me but I do not fault them. Thank you for trying to assist me. I have taken the unit back to an Onam dealer and they reproduced the problem but could not figure out why it was an issue .. . However, as of last night the unit seemed to be working. Perhaps something happened at the Onam dealer as he was running the diagnostics that fixed the problem. . .only time will tell. . .but I Have nothing bu.t good words for Nexus and Barb
Thanks for the good report.
Welcome to RV.NET.
So many threads end without a report back from OP.