Forum Discussion

kidkasha's avatar
Aug 28, 2016

Generator Regulator LPG Fleetwood Discover 6500 onan

I am told that the Generator for 6500 onan Regulator LPG 1999 Fleetwood Discovery is needed.How expense is it to get it installed, and what do twheusually cost.
  • About 1 hour.
    I would check around with your local propane dealer. Regulator could be the same for other LPG rigs such as fork lifts.
  • If you need the main propane regulator (on the tank) it's available.

    Camco 2 stage horizontal regulator

    Looks like $22 for the regulator. Replaced mine without any hassle. It's about a ten minute job so even a shop charge should not be that much.
    Prior MH had the Onan 6500 LP genny. Only concern is the vent should face down, look at how yours is mounted.

    enblethen has info on the generator mounted regulator above..
  • In CA shops charge for 1 hr minimum, usually at $150 rate.
  • Onan does not have generator regulator for my 6500 generator and none are available
  • The generator will need to be removed/top accessed to replace/overhaul the regulator.

    Overhaul kits ARE available, though not from Onan. The regulator is a standard regulator, but if overhauling it, you need to make sure to spec the high-heat/silicone gasket kit.

    No idea how much labor-- depends on what is involved in getting to the regulator.

    Yes, I have overhauled the regulator on one of these. Not complex once generator out and accessible. Regulator overhaul itself did not take 10 minutes once out.