down home wrote:
Don't run the washer/dryer going down the road especially the Splendide.
The tub is on a rear bearing. The bumps and so forth will ruin it.
In other words you can have a wobbly drum. That will really shake up things.
Might be the reason we lose 20 lbs when we have ours running in the campground.
I don't have the manual in front of me but they warned us of this first time we headed out with it installed.
Second don't run the washer if not hooked up, generally. Even the Splendide uses a lot of water.
Our Gray tank is 60 or 80 gallons, I don't remember which. We ran washer once or twice not hooked up to sewer. If we had used the shower too it might have over filled the tank.
Not that one use would but if you forget and both shower etc too could get excitin. We don't do sailor showers.
Well, ... I have 5 years of running on this Splendide, and several on the others ... never a problem. The Splendide uses 13 gal of water per wash cycle, not big deal if your holding tanks aren't too full.
I can understand the apprehension, but if someone really wants to use one it's a call they have to make.