Forum Discussion

Merry's avatar
Mar 22, 2014

GFI Popped and Won't Reset

The gfi outlet in the kitchen area of our Pleasure Way popped and we can't get it to reset. We don't know why it blew. This controls all outlets plus the refrigerator etc. Frig and hot water are running on propane. We have checked all obvious causes such as fuses. I'm sure we are just missing something simple. This is a brand new unit. This is the first time we stayed in it since we bought it a month ago. Right after we signed all the papers, I received a phone call that my elderly mother and fallen and needed surgery immediately so we have been staying with her or I'm sure this would problem would have come up sooner? We bought at Lazy Days and I will call them if we can't get it working.
Thanks so much for any suggestions.
  • I second Downtheroad. An electrician told me they were having lots of trouble with new, out of the box, GFIs. I had one go bad, replaced it with a new one and it was bad. I experienced that once in a Roadtrek and once at my home. Maybe I am just jinxed. After I finally got a good one in both places, no more problems.

    Do check the shorepower first. Then fuses/breakers before trying to replace.

  • I assume you checked the obvious to make sure you have power coming in to your shore power cable...
  • Good advice from Bud.

    I would add that you should unplug everything from all 110 outlets including microwave and fridge to test for power.

    When you get power back plug them in one at a time to be sure one of them is not the culprit.
  • Happened to me too...drove me nuts trying to figure it out.
    Finally just replaced the GFI receptacle - it was faulty/worn out or something, but it solved the problem.

    We were on the road...Home Depot for a replacement.
  • A GFCI receptacle will not reset if there is no power to it.
    Verify that a 120 volt circuit breaker has not tripped. If you are not sure which one,Shut off all circuit breakers, apply slight pressure toward "off". Then turn main breaker if equipped on, then each branch breaker one at a time.
    Next it could be a problem in the circuit. Remove GFCI receptacle from the wall. Locate and disconnect "load" side wires, disconnect the black and try resetting. No reset, verify power to the GFCI receptacle. If power is present, replace GFCI receptacle.
    The GFCI receptacles are the same as residential/ commercial ones.