Hi...me again....case in point here:
I keep our rig in good condition. Today, since we had some decent weather forecast, I went out to the rig to check on things. Near the inside flange of onw of the ceiling fans I can see a slight staining, indicating that some water leaked in. I'll get after it ASAP.
The problem is, with a rig that's been sitting out in the elements, especially where snow and ice are a reality, you can have big problems. Snow falls on the roof, then as it melts, it can form an ice layer on the roof as it refreezes at night, then as more snow melts, the water starts entering where it normally wouldn't because of the layer of ice. In other words: Ice dam!
A rig without any attention in the past 7 years, if that is the case, could be in pretty sad shape. Hopefully that's NOT the case, but it IS a possibility.
On top of that, if they didn't clean out the refrigerator, or they left food in there, it's probably been overrun by insects & rodents as well. Not a pretty picture.
You owe it to yourself to make sure that it's worth the money you want to put into it. We're talking about a rig that is 18 years old at this point. Hasn't been moved in 7 years. As of now, we don't know if it's even been inhabited during the past 7 years or whether it's even had decent maintenance, ESPECIALLY the roof, in at least as many years.
All of us here would LOVE for you to become Class A RV'ers...we really would. But we also know how quickly things can go bad on these rigs without the proper attention.
Hopefully all will be mostly well with this rig, but please, check it out in person. If you're not comfortable about what to look for, it might be worth hiring a mobile RV tech (as the campground for a recommendation) to visit with you so you can get their opinion. I wouldn't plan to spend dime one until I saw it. I believe I know what to look for, but if you don't, find someone knowledgeable about motorhomes to help in your decision.
Again, I wish you all the best in this endeavor!