mist4life wrote:
We are working with a truck mechanic friend to replace the fuel pump and are considering cutting an access in the floor so that we don't have to drop the tank to do it. It is a gas engine. But after reading your comments, we may just go ahead and drop the tank anyway so that we can get it cleaned.
Well, its a shame it turned out to be so nasty. It will take a lot of cleaning in the hidden places to get it all out, but sounds like you are off to a good start.
I'm picky and cutting a hole in the floor is to me, a total hack job. The problem with doing this in a motor home, is predicting EXACTLY where the pump is so a minimal hole could be cut, then trying to turn a very tight pump retaining nut deep down in a hole in the floor.
Second problem is that the floor is very likely a DOUBLE floor, with a 2 inch or so insulation layer in it. With this type of floor, cutting a hole would be a messy and crude job that would never be right again.
Dropping a tank is a rather easy thing to do, and would probably take less time and effort that cutting the hole.