:) Hi, Oh the memories. Way back when????????? I was a mechanic at an Oldsmobile / GMC dealer. I worked on two of them. Or was it three? They had me exchange the rear interior of two Motorhomes with each other. I don't remeber what the difference was, but that is what the customer and the dealer wanted me to do. I believe that I also replaced or re-installed the rear suspension air bags. We called them Footballs because that is what they looked like before they were installed. I also rebuilt the automatic transmission on one of them. I think it was called a Turbo 425. It was the easiest automatic transmision that I ever rebuilt, but the hardest one to remove and re-install. They were very well built and drove very nice. I think there were only two sizes, a 23'er and a 26'er.
This was maybe 45 years ago, so I might have a few things wrong.