Forum Discussion

USMC46's avatar
Jun 02, 2017

Good Sams Insurance

I'm getting a lot of marketing mailers from Good Sam's suggesting I consider their insurance. I suspect they are more of a broker for other carriers. I have Progressive now. Anyone had Good Sams for a year or two and had any claims ? I'm curious if they are good to work with regarding coverage, prompt response, and getting you back on the road with minimum hassle. Worth checking out ? Thanks.
  • I have Good Sam (National General)for about 9 years and had at least 6 claims with no hassle what so ever. I pick who I want to fix my vehicle with zero hassle from NG. I would not change from them for most any reason. If they ever change my MH coverage from full replacement at original purchase price I may consider it.

    I see you were in the military,as I was, have you looked into USAA company? One of their customers ran into me once and they were extremely good to work with.
  • Yes, you are right. I have my facts mixed up. Must have been a spoof article I read. First time I've been wrong in years. Harumpf. Well, apologize and move on my mom use to, Sorry.
  • rdhetrick wrote:
    Hmmmm, I can't think of any insurance companies that aren't out to generate revenue for their owners.

    You are absolutely correct. The Board of Directors have a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders to provide a return on their investment, also known as a profit. However, how that is achieved is what separates great companies from inferior ones. Some companies invest in a quality product and put their customers (even their employees) above their own interests. Unfortunately, Good Sam is not one of them.
  • Jim@HiTek wrote:
    Remember that the Sam in Good Sam is Sam Walton. He was a lifelong camper and RV'er. But then think about how his main company is run, and how much he did to make it run that way. Remember that Walmart pays employees to call other employees and explain how they can get government assistance...because they pay so poorly and have such poor benefits. Than ask yourself if your trust them as your insurance provider in any capacity. He's dead, but his anti-consumer legacy lives on in his multiple companies. It's all about profits.

    Just sayin'.

    BTW, I joined this forum in '04, after lurking on it since '02 I think. And the original owners eventually sold it to Goodsam. So this site is another Walton profit venture. One thing that really grinds my gears is that they haven't improved this forum since they bought it. The same old glitches or old fashioned techniques are still alive and kicking here on RV net. For a brief time after they bought the site, I kind of expected some improvements, a bit of modernization. I was overly optimistic.

    I am afraid you are terribly mistaken. Good Sam's parent company is Affinity Group Holding, Inc. It is a privately held company and its Chairman and CEO is Marcus Lemonis. It has absolutely nothing to do with Walmart!
  • Remember that the Sam in Good Sam is Sam Walton. He was a lifelong camper and RV'er. But then think about how his main company is run, and how much he did to make it run that way. Remember that Walmart pays employees to call other employees and explain how they can get government assistance...because they pay so poorly and have such poor benefits. Than ask yourself if your trust them as your insurance provider in any capacity. He's dead, but his anti-consumer legacy lives on in his multiple companies. It's all about profits.

    Just sayin'.

    BTW, I joined this forum in '04, after lurking on it since '02 I think. And the original owners eventually sold it to Goodsam. So this site is another Walton profit venture. One thing that really grinds my gears is that they haven't improved this forum since they bought it. The same old glitches or old fashioned techniques are still alive and kicking here on RV net. For a brief time after they bought the site, I kind of expected some improvements, a bit of modernization. I was overly optimistic.
  • Hmmmm, I can't think of any insurance companies that aren't out to generate revenue for their owners.

    I was with Progressive when I had a Class C, but when I got into a diesel pusher, Progressive was ridiculous. I ended up going through Good Sam, yes, they are just a broker. My policy is written by National General. I haven't had any claims so I can't speak to that, but I personally don't think it's all doom and gloom like others have posted.
  • We had GS insurance on our 5er. It was a replacement policy through National General. Yes they are a broker and use 3 or 4 companies.

    We never had a claim so I can't judge. When we got the MH they were no longer competitive.
  • Good Sam has evolved into an organization that is all about generating revenue for its owners with little regard for its customers. Having said that, using them to protect your investments and protect you from liabilities is nothing more than suicidal.
  • Take some time and read the various threads in the different forum categories on this web site. Check out the "Good Sam Insurance" threads and see where it leads you. Click here.
  • I wouldn't trust GS as far as I could throw them. BTW, you can stop all that junk mail you're going to be getting from them by stuffing it all in their prepaid envelopes and sending it all back to them with 'NO!' written on the sign up lines. Leave your name and address visible. Took two years of doing that to get them to stop sending me all their hundreds of offers. Many of them my RV was too old to take advantage of. Early on in my RVing, when I did use their roadside service, quickly found out they have no idea what they're doing on most calls. Switched to Coachnet.
