PPL is great for shopping for the type of RV you might want. They have the floorplans and good photos and the data such as mileage, no stupid photos of the tire tread! (Outdated tires can have lots of tread but still need to be replaced.)
If you are going to be in Arizona with it you might try shopping on the Phoenix, Prescott and Tucson craigslists. There are many RV's for sale in the area and I think the prices might be a bit less than the consignments at PPL.
Of course any used RV must be thoroughly checked for leaks before purchase. Fixing rotted walls is not pleasant and is too time consuming for a working person.
We have the 2003 Ford based Itasca and love it. Short and sweet. Easy to get around town with no toad. Easy to drive with no special shocks or stabilizers. Buffets in the wind a bit in places like Utah that can be gusty, but stays true to the highway with enough attention to the driving. Could not have made a better choice for our first RV, even though many will tell you that a rear bed is essential for an older couple, we are OK with the overhead. Still it is a matter of fitness and choice. Have fun choosing!