All fantastic advice, thanks all, especially Tatest for taking the time to write such a thoughtful and detailed response. Some great insight. My responses:
The first C is a year newer, $500 less, and 6 feet longer. Unless it has much higher mileage, I'd choose it. I do not want to convert the space in which I work and relax into the space in which I sleep. That's a tedious job, twice a day, when I am in no mood or condition to do it.This primae fascie makes sense, and it was my first thought too, but I'm also trying to take maneuverability and gas mileage into consideration. And if I really analyze it, the space
over a rear bed (the air space) is in a way "wasted" volume. I am fine with the over-the-cabin sleeping area for me, but I wonder if the one-room layout of a 22-footer would make me go stir crazy after a while - ?
Secondary considerations will be the bathroom and the kitchen. Do you fit in the bathroom? Are you comfortable with the space for the amount of time you have to sit there? Is there room in the shower for what you do in the shower? This was a great suggestion and when I went to PPL yesterday I made it a point to get into the bathroom and shower and simulate using them.
I have no concerns about age, mileageInteresting point -- I am now also considering this one or something like this one --
M133 - 2006 31' Maverick w/Slide, 102,063 miles, sleeps 8, $22,995 -- but the high mileage concerns me. Legitimate concern? The dealer thought so.
Does that mean you will use the RV a lot in the city?No, just that I know very little about RV's and am just learning ha. I won't be driving/using it in the city, or not very often anyway.
You normally have to have a minimum 27-28 foot rig to get a rear bedroom. This is a great point. I think what I am realizing is that to prevent claustrophobia I do need a rear bedroom. But I don't need a big bed nor do I want to "waste the volume" above a big bed.
I wonder if there are shorter Class C's with a small rear bedroom, and instead of a queen bed, have two single bunk beds? (I love bunk beds, make me feel like a kid again ha)
If you are going to be in Arizona with it you might try shopping on the Phoenix, Prescott and Tucson craigslists.Good thought and one that I considered, would save the drive & gas taking it from Houston to AZ. Can Craigslist be trusted for RV's? What about
Of course any used RV must be thoroughly checked for leaks before purchase. Pardon my ignorance, but how does one do this?
We have the 2003 Ford based Itasca and love it.What length? Year? I will check one out. I lean toward Ford a bit more than Chevy -- not sure why or if I should though, maybe it's just a branding perception I have - ?