Cbones wrote:
I hate to say it but my pop up trailer only had a garden hose connected to the drain. It did not have holding tanks. We used to just let it drain under the trailer. In many years no one ever said anything, and I never noticed a smell. Since there was no shower, I am sure that the little volume of grey water was not an issue.I know I was not the only one with a pop-up without tanks. I am sure others started out the same way.
LOL! Things have changed a lot in the last few years. US Environmental Protection Agency has set out to protect the delicate environment that so many of us were abusing at one time or another. Every bid of liquid that drops into the earth eventually ends in water tables. Contamination to our streams and water ways. Keep doing this for years and eventually it all comes back to hunt us. I have done it in the past, but does it make it right? Heck NO! The earth is not as big anymore and we got to take care of our water ways. Bacteria's tend to develop and spreads germs. I think it is time we all take a back step and think. Is this good for the environment.
On those little pop up trailers it probably did not hold much water like these new massive coaches. I am talking about 65 gallon tanks for the gray and 45 gallons for the black. Some even bigger then that. Can you imagine dumping 65 gallons of gray water into a stream that will contaminate the fish that you might catch later on, and might even eat that fish?
Chemicals in the water can cause certain types of cancers.