"TomKat08".....You can do a lot of things with your headlights depending on your budget. One of the biggest issues is that the RV manufacturers used the smallest wiring they could get away with. Often, the lights are dim because they're not getting a full 12 volts. Take a few minutes and read this link
Daniel Stern I added relays to my last coach and wired in heavier wiring. Daniel Stern will put a kit together for you.
You can also replace your bulbs with better quality ones. Stay away form the Silverstar brand as they are more about hype than quality. Phillips makes some good quality bulbs.
On my previous coach, it had separate bulbs for the high and low beam. High beam bulbs do not have the painted tip on the end and go from 55 watts to 65 watts. The difference between high and low beam bulbs is how they're "clocked", which means they have tabs that prevent you from putting a high beam bulb in a low beam socket. I took a high beam bulb and used a Dremel to cut off the tab (very easy to do and will be readily apparent as what needs to be cut off). This gave me 10 more watts and no painted tip, adding power.
Lastly, my previous coach had oval fog lights as standard equipment. I replaced them with Hella FF75 driving lights which really added a lot of additional lighting. Once done with your repairs, make sure you aim the lights. Very few shops aim headlights anymore and especially motor home headlights.
If you do a search, there are sites that will tell you how to aim a headlight by parking on flat ground and shining your lights against a wall.