Forum Discussion

jjrowan's avatar
Apr 16, 2014

Headlight Upgrade

My 1998 Gulf Stream Sun Voyager has two sealed beam headlights. The number on the glass front is 8214. I couldn't find this number in the headlight catalog at Autozone yesterday. I'm looking to replace these with something to get me more light. I would like to be able to just remove the originals and bolt in replacements (halogen, xenon?). Has anyone already done this type upgrade?
  • Before you decide to spend big bucks on new headlights, check voltage at the headlights with the engine running.

    If more than about .5 volts less at the headlights than at the chassis battery, use a fuse and relay to get voltage UP. Said another way, even a good bulb with low voltage will be DIM.

    If you need step by step for this, let us know. Total cost under $12.
  • I was just looking to replace the bulbs. I'll bust out a volt meter and check what is available at the plug connected to the lights. Taking my first "trip" with the RV tomorrow, mother-in-law's 88th birthday, 120 miles there, 120 miles back. Probably stay overnight but not sure the RV will fit in her driveway or if I can park it on the street there. I have a friend fabricating a mount to clamp on the frame cross member, didn't want to drill anything, mount is for air horns. I didn't want to mount on the roof, the opening on the passenger side of the batteries is exactly right for the Hadley air horns. I don't want to tap off the existing air system the suspension and brakes use, adding a compressor and take dedicated to the horns.
  • Check the lights at the socket. If you are not getting the voltage that the battery is getting then you may need to update the circuit. I put relays in mine 5 years ago and the difference was night and day (no pun intended). I went from 12 volts which is too little to over 13 volts which really makes a huge difference. So start with the voltage check then check the ground and if all else fails you can go the relay route.
  • Hi All.

    Are you sure that its your Head-Lights that are bad. I had the same thought one time, as I couldn't see very far down the road at night.

    I did some checking. And the only thing wrong with our Motorhomes Head-Lights, was that the Ground Wires were so corroided, they were hardly making any contack at all. Took the "Ground Wires" off, and cleaned them really good. Then I sanded the Frame down to bare Metal, and now I have great working lights. Working so well, I don't see any reason to change them to any other kind of "Light-Bulbs"
    Good Luck. Happy Travels. Dan & Jill & our two small "YORKIE KIDS", who love to Travel as much as we do
  • Are you just replacing the headlamp or the complete housing?

    If you're replacing the housing, most likely you'll have to remove one of the headlights to get the number off the back. At least that's what I had to do. While mine were Dodge Ram headlights, they were made by TYC who stamps the number on the back. The taillights are Lincoln Navigator but again, the number was stamped on the back by a different mfg. AMC or something like that, I don't remember. Point is, remove one and take it with you.

    If simply replacing the headlamp, take one out and match it up. There should be a DOT number you can cross reference too...IIRC those headlamps are oversized anyway, so they may be harder to find, but someone has may be your new friend here......Dennis