Our 10 foot tall garage door has a "working" opening of 9'-11-1/4". That height restriction limited me to a select few rigs. At one point I was thinking of buying a used conventional class-C and replace the a/c unit with a sky light. We were fortunate to find
OUR RIG HERE that is 9'-10" to the top of the a/c unit, fortunately true to spec.
Here is the clearance.

Inside the garage, I have a 2" thick Styrofoam block on the cement wall that I bump into, place in neutral, then let off on the pressure, to assure the rig is parked as far forward as possible.
Look close at the ceiling of the garage. I had to reconstruct the soffit above the a/c unit. There is a heat duct and steel beam up there of which I got as much clearance as possible without sacrifice to insulation and soffit integrity.

If you have a similar situation and are considering a shorter lighter-weighted rig, I advise to either go with an E350 (which is 3" lower than an E450), or get the E450 and plan on removing a few leaf springs in back.
Because the front of our rig is so light, I was able to change front coil springs to better match my actual load. Doing so lowered the front by 1-1/4" which leveled our rig better, but the primary reason for doing so was to make the ride up front more comfortable, both for us and our house.
CLICK HERE if you want to read more about it. Pictures are included.