Practice with the awning extending it and then retracting it until you can do it in the dark, also practice mentally what the procedure is when "hooking up"
1. Turn and make shure pedestall brakers are off, check for volage and polariry with a probe from Home Depot or Lowes, by turning brakers on, when all is ok turn brakers off and then plug electric conector to the pedestal and turn brakers on.
2. Turn water faucet on and see when clear water runs, then hook water hose with a pressure regulator and or filter.
3. Then hook your sewer hose to the drain system.
Same order when leaving the cap ground and if you use the roof anttena make shure that you return it to its original flat position.
You are giong to find that the more you travell in your rig the more you like it, it beats all hotels and restaurants.
Welcome to the RVing world.