Forum Discussion

captpar's avatar
Oct 03, 2019

Help. Antenna/Cable switch

I have no power to my OTA/Cable switch. Can somebody tell me where that switch terminated or starts from , is there a box behind the TV that these 3 wires start/terminate from ? Checked for a blown fuse first but only fuse marked antenna was good but I changed it out anyway . Multimeter showed no power to switch. Of course wires disappeared into the walls. Will pull front TV this weekend to see if these wires appear somewhere behind TV. Any advice at this point will be greatly appreciated. BTY the TVs are stuck in the antenna position vice cable. It doesn’t effect my satellite.
  • What is the model number of your switch assembly?
    What is make and model of your antenna?
  • Above as in my post? There is not any kind of rocker switch associated with your OTA antenna. We just need more information about what you have, what you want and what you are trying to accomplish.
  • In reply to the above I did check for power, no power to switch . Also switch is a rocker type switch not like the picture in the above post. I did get the part number and ordered and received a new switch which I installed . But no go no power to switch. The switch is not like a standard A/B switch . It has 3 spade connectors on the back .My couch is a sports coach elite (2007).
  • If you can't find the original power source just tap any working 12V wires in the area and run the wire to your power supply.
  • The picture shows a small black button - the ON/OFF switch. When it's ON there should be a small pilot light lit on the wall plate. If that switch doesn't light the light, pull it out and check for 12v going to it.
  • Pull the assembly from the wall, fuse on many are on circuit board.
    You are talking one of these? Switch
  • Wow your fuses an circuit breakers are marked, I think the refer, furnace and AC are the only ones in mine.
  • Going to need the year, make of RV so someone who might have you make model can help.