Forum Discussion

Jim's avatar
Jun 11, 2018

Help finding drawer hardware requested...

I had my '02 Winnie Journey in for factory service and while there, tried to find the slide mechanism hardware for the tiny drawer on the drivers side nightstand. The slide device is only 8 & 3/4" long and Winnie no longer has any in stock with no plans to ever get that style again.

This picture is of the good side of the drawer, the other side the slide is crunched from getting trapped between the BR slide and the wall. That bent the metal enough that it's not reusable.

I'm looking for a replacement and haven't been successful finding anything. The original P/N per Winnie parts department is ATC RV 26222. (Perhaps I just haven't found the right search wording?)

I'm hoping someone on the forum has found a replacement device that I can order online. I'm in a small town and though there are 3 hardware stores, they carry a limited remodeling selection.