whemme wrote:
In most states 10% ethanol is also added to premium gas. Secondly, for vehicles calling for the use of 87 octane regular gas, using premium fuel absolutely will not increase your mileage. Premium fuel also is not any ‘cleaner’ than regular fuel that some believe. The only difference in the two fuels is the higher octane (anti-knock) rating and the approximately $0.60/gallon extra cost that you are just wasting using premium.
I beg to differ sir, I have physically checked my mileage MANY times running both ethanol enriched and ethanol free gasoline.
My mileage increases about 23% by running ethanol-free fuel.
So here’s how that plays out in my case, round-trip to south Florida is about 3,000 miles.
My rig gets 7.32 mpg on regular gasoline with ethanol in it. So that trip is 410 gallons. If it has 10% ethanol then it’s 41 gallons of ethanol and 369 gallons of gasoline.
On ethanol-free premium my rig gets 9.0 mpg. That same trip then uses 334 gallons of only gasoline.
If your $0.60 / gallon is close then that trip costs an ‘extra’ $200. Except I bought 76 less gallons of gas. If we use a $3 / gallon average price that is $228.
So if I ‘waste’ $200 on premium but spend $228 LESS in fuel, it looks to me like I’m up $28....... and that’s before we get into the 35 gallons less gasoline and 41 gallons of ethanol I DIDN’T burn on top of the 334 gallons of ethanol free gas.
The only thing the current ethanol-enriched gasoline is doing is wasting food, making corn industry folks richer and making social media folks feel good.