Forum Discussion

Travelin2's avatar
Feb 12, 2017

Help with Coachmen "Water Works" panel

We Recently bought a 2004 Coachmen Concord 235SO. I'm trying to figure out how to make that "Water Works" panel suck the bleach solution into the fresh water holding tank and have had no luck yet. The owners manual doesn't show this panel. It shows a picture of a bigger one with 4 valves and a vague description of the operation. If someone has experience with this, I would appreciate a little tutorial. Thanks.
  • For those that only have a hose connection to fill the fresh tank, about the best solution is to buy and inexpensive cartridge water filter. Just connect it line with your water hose, and without a cartridge, fill the cannister with your straight bleach. then screw it back together, and fill tank as normal. Depending on your tank size, you may need to fill cannister several times to get required amount of bleach. Then keep the cannister and filter to use whenever you are connected to shore water at a campsite. Some places you need it, others may not, but doesn't hurt anything to leave in it place all the time. Just change the filter cartridge every once in a while.
  • Current position of levers is "Tank Fill"
    Left lever DOWN
    Right lever LEFT

    Left lever RIGHT
    Right lever UP
    A hose stuck in anti-freeze jug is then connected to Winterize Connection (as shown) and the turn pump on to suck from jug

    Some Water Works Panels were mis-labeled for Winterize
    If above positions do not work (allow for sucking anti-freeze from jug) then turn Right lever from UP to RIGHT
    Left lever and right lever pointing at each other
  • Have never seen one before, but the winterize inlet and valve probably just suction into the pump and lines, but NOT into the fresh water tank.