Forum Discussion

goufgators's avatar
Jan 22, 2014

Help w/Streets and Trips...

I've purchased Streets and Trips and love the way a route can be customized to show the way I want to go rather than the way the GPS routing wants to go. BUT, I cannot figure out how to download the route(s) to my Garmin nuvi 2595! Any advice and counsel regarding the procedure to use in downloading will be greatly appreciated. / Larry
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    I will not bother you with how to do something I have never done or researched but ... I will ask a question.

    Why put up with that tiny little screen on your GARMIN when the screen on this laptop in front of me is 15.6" wide and my netbook is about 12 inches wide? I mean the much larger screen means I can see way better when I'm on/off route, I can scan it in a glance and what's more if I want to make a change it is WAY WAY easier typing on a keyboard (But you know that).

    My Garmin.. Well.. i don't much use it any more.
  • RV Geeks On Tour use to have a excellent video tutorial available, but like everything else good, it appears you now have to pay and join their membership forum to access it. And there is no guarantee that it is still available. Use to be free on the web, and still may be but I can find it.

    Laptop GPS World has a forum devoted to Streets and Trips. You might find something there.

    I gave up doing what you want to do and got a 12" laptop that I use for my Streets & Trips GPS. It is mounted on a small laptop swinging stand. Does double duty as computer and GPS. That is a speaker sticking up on top of the screen. It could be moved somewhere else. I just leave the Garmin Nuvi in the toad.
  • I use waypoints to program the Garmin the way I want to go and print the streets and trips out. I have been wondering if sending streets to the Garmin will take up space as I have already added a card to the GPS.
  • Do you have the Garmin Communicator Plugin installed? If so highlight your destination on your trip route and then select "send to GPS device" on the toolbar. If you do not have an MSN Direct service you must use a USB connection. You can get detailed directions using the S&T Help button. Search for Send Route to GPS Device.