hotbyte wrote:
PS - I do the scoot around site watching levels in the cab to get level as best I can. We also have come to accept not being perfectly level. Half a bubble or so and we are good. Just don't want milk spilling out of cereal bowl in the morning we don't cook breakfast :)
I have 4 2x8 planks 2 feet long with one end cut at 45 degrees and 4 more 3 foot planks cut the same way. Each set is numbered and has two set of holes drilled into them so I can drop a 1 1/2 inch carriage bolt into them to hold them secure. I have only used them to level once in three years. However they saved me this summer when I got stuck in sand. Dug the sand out behind all 6 tires put the planks in place and was able to back out.