Forum Discussion

chuckbear's avatar
May 20, 2022

Hot Exhaust On Differential

For anyone that has not seen my current thread on the driveshaft issue, we hit some road debris that tore off the exhaust tailpipe and did major damage to the drive shaft. After 4 days the driveshaft has been replaced and we drove over 200 miles today and so far, no issues. However, the tailpipe is still gone since the repair shop does not do exhaust work. We still have another 600 miles to go and no place to fix the exhaust so we need to drive it without the tailpipe. With the tailpipe gone the exhaust is pointing at the differential about 3 feet in front of it. So I'm wondering if there might be a problem with hot exhaust blowing at the differential even at 3 feet away? For those that might be concerned, there is no exhaust coming in the coach. Chuck
  • Check for a leak when you get there and change the dope in the differential. Cooking that oil is not good at all
  • I'm with the suggestion of going to autozone and get a clamp on exhaust turn down. I had one of my kids bike tires pop and the reflector on the wheel melt and bend and it was easily 3 feet away from the exhaust on the rear carrier.
  • Drove over 120 miles today and stopped at a Rest Stop. I took an IR reading on the housing. It was 215 degrees right around the U-Joint and less on the rest of the housing. I took a second reading after 225 miles and the reading was the same. I suspect this is not unusual for a fully loaded 34-foot motor home towing a car. I still plan to put either a turndown or 90 degree when we get to our destination tomorrow. Chuck
  • Maybe the CO will get you before you get home while you are saving time!
    A Co-worker died from a damaged exhaust pipe on a generator on a rental MH with only 2500 miles on it.